Salle Paul Disciplinary Policy

    1. This policy is designed to help and encourage all fencers, parents and staff to maintain and achieve the highest possible standards of attendance, conduct and performance. It is also in place to clarify the rights and responsibilities of Salle Paul (the Club), staff, fencers and parents/guardians in the event of disciplinary action.

    2. At any stage of the procedure and throughout, a fencer has the right to be accompanied by either a colleague or other representative.

    3. When a disciplinary matter arises, the facts will be established promptly.  An investigation will take place to ascertain all information related to the matter. This may involve interviewing other people involved in the matter as well as yourself.

    4. The investigation may be conducted by the Head Coach, the Club Director, or any member of the Senior Management Team employed by Leon Paul. Any individual implicated in the incident may not form part of the investigation.

    5. Where it is considered there are risks to colleagues or Salle Paul/Leon Paul property or other circumstances, for example, for matters of gross misconduct; consideration will be given to a brief period of suspension of the Fencer. Suspension is not in itself a disciplinary action.

    6. Following the investigation, where it has been established that there is a case to answer, the fencer will be required to attend a disciplinary meeting

      1. The disciplinary panel will consist of three people drawn from any of the following: the Club Director, any member of the coaching team, any member of the Senior Management team employed by Leon Paul, any Director of Leon Paul.

      2. The Fencer, or their representative, will have the opportunity to respond to the allegations that have been made and state their own case

    7. It is not possible to be exact in describing all offences which are likely to result in retraction of membership of the club or other penalty. The following list is a guide and is not exhaustive:

      1. Theft, fraud and deliberate falsification of records or forging of signature; 

      2. Refusal to pay club, lesson or competition coaching fees.

      3. Physical violence; 

      4. Bullying, harassment, discrimination, intimidation or the use of offensive language or material; 

      5. Receipt of a black card which is subsequently upheld

      6. Deliberate damage to or misuse of Leon Paul or other fencers’ or staff property; 

      7. Incapacity whilst at training, brought on by alcohol, illegal drugs, or other substances; 

      8. Serious infringement of Health & Safety rules; 

      9. Serious breach of the Leon Paul IT & Telecoms usage policy; 

      10. Bringing the Club or any associated Leon Paul organisation into disrepute by bad behaviour in training, competition, or when at a training camp.

    8. Matters of serious or gross misconduct may result in permanent suspension of membership of the Club. 

    9. Potential outcomes of the disciplinary meeting are:

      1. Recorded verbal warning.  

      2. First written warning, up to a maximum of 12 months. 

      3. Final written warning, up to a maximum of 24 months. 

      4. Temporary suspension of some or all benefits of membership of the Club.

      5. Permanent suspension of membership of the Club

    10. A record of the outcome of the disciplinary meeting will be kept on file.

    11. Any Fencer or parent/guardian who is aggrieved following receipt of a warning or notice of suspension, whether temporary or permanent, shall have the right of appeal. The appeal should be put in writing, stating the grounds for the appeal, within five working days of receipt of the outcome of the disciplinary meeting.

    12. Arrangements will be made for an appeal meeting to take place, to consider the Fencer’s or parent’s/guardian’s case. Where possible, the panel hearing the appeal will be different in the majority of its make up to the original disciplinary panel.

    13. A record of the outcome of the appeal will be sent to the Fencer or Parent/Guardian. There are no further stages of appeal.